Relax tired or stressed muscles with this familiar massage style.
30 mins...$35 60 mins...$60 90 mins...$85
*Therapuetic Massage
This full body but muslce specific massage that targets an area or areas of tension is for the client looking to achieve a specific goal, along with increased relaxation, for their session.
30 mins...$45 60 mins...$70 90 mins...$100
*Deep Tissue Massage
Deeper pressure is used during this session to achieve rest and relaxation.
30 mins...$45 60 mins...$70 90 mins...$100
*Pregnancy Massage
Clients with child enjoy a relaxing, tension relieving session with this massage.
60 mins...$65 90 mins...$90
*Hot Stone Massage
Hot Basalt stones are used throughout this massage session to soothe tension and increasing relaxation.
60 mins...$80 90 mins...$100
*Himilayan Salt Stone Massage
Salt stones that have been retrieved from the Himalayan mountains are used during this massage to decrease tension and relieve muscle strain using the natural occuring minerals found in the stones. Great for those clients with fibromyalgia.
60 mins...$85 90 mins...$105
*Injury Massage/Treatment Massage
During this session different modalities such as stretching, trigger point work and muslce reeducation will be used to get the client back to their everyday activities. This massage is muscle specific only, not full body. You may ask to bill your insurance should you be approved.
$20 per 15 minute increment
Pressure points located in the feet, hands and ears are stimulated to reduce stress, relieve tension and aid in healing many ailments.
30 mins...$40 60 mins...$65
Body Treatments
*Body Scrub
Choose from a short selection of scented salt scrubs to exfoliate the skin, leaving a silky smooth top layer anyone will love. Accompanied by a rehydration massage.
60 mins...$70
*Peppermint Seaweed Body Wrap
This peppermint infused wrap helps to shrink cellulite deposits, detoxify and purify the body, and tone and firm your skin. The more sessions one does, the more inches one will lose. A rehydrating massage is performed after each wrap.
Single Wrap...$75 Package of 6...$65 each Package of 12...$60each
Upgrade to a cellulite massage for $20/wrap
*Parafango Wrap
You will be painted in a skin nourishing, detoxifying and cellultie reducing parafin and mud mixture during this treatment. Accompanied with a rehydrating massage.
45 mins...$60
*Aromatherapy $5
Your therapist will choose special blends of essential oils tailored to your needs.
*Eye Treatment $5
A warming eye pillow is used to reduce the tired eye look and puffiness.
*Scalp Treatment
Warm essential oils are blended to nourish the scalp and hair.
15 minutes...$20
*20 Minute Foot Massage $20
*Foot Treatment $40
A scrub, mask and 20 minute massage will be perfomed during this add-on.
*Parafin Treatment
The hands or feet are dipped in warm scented wax during this add-on, giving your skin the ultimate hydration therapy.